
Note:  All times on Eastern Daylight Saving Timezone (GMT -4).

For in-Person attendees: the lecture room is Lassonde M-2103.

2022-07-19: Please note the inversion of the invited speaker and discussion sessions on Wednesday.


Monday July 25

8:30 NOC Chair Welcome and program overview

9:00 M. Pavelka Multiscale Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

10:00 N. Ha Hoang and D. Dochain Lifting the non-isothermal CSTR dynamics to the complete Thermodynamic Phase Space (Paper 1)

10:20 Y. Fan, X. Zhang, and C. Gao Towards Programming Adaptive Linear Neural Networks Through Chemical Reaction Networks (Paper 6)

10:40 X. Zhang, C. Gao, and D. Dochain On Stability of Two Kinds of Delayed Chemical Reaction Networks (Paper 4)

11:00 T. S. Nguyen, N. Ha Hoang, C. K. Tan, and M. A. Bin Hussain Structural approach to the control of a reaction system using thermodynamics-based extend model (Paper 14)

11:20 Discussion TFMST in the next IFAC triennium

12:00 Break

13:00 A. van der Schaft and B. Maschke Control by Interconnection of Thermodynamic Systems using Liouville Geometry (Paper 15)

13:20 A. Romo-Hernandez, N. Hudon, B. E. Ydstie, and D. Dochain Internal Entropy Production as a Lyapunov Function for Thermal Equilibrium in Irreversible Multiphase Systems (Paper 22)

13:40 B. E. Ydstie, M. Wartmann, and L. Ozkan From Statistical Mechanics to Process Control (Paper 20)

14:00 End of Day


Tuesday July 26

9:00 K. H. Hangos Thermodynamical principles in kinetic system models

10:00 I. Zacharopoulos, M. Tao, and C. TheodoropoulosModelling and MPC of the bioproduction of succinic acid in a continuous bioreactor with immobilised cells (Paper 19)

10:20 W. Kurniawan, K. H. Hangos, and M. Marton Parameter fault diagnosis in heat exchange networks with distributed time delay (Paper 2)

10:40 C. Vilas, L. T. Antelo, and M. R. Garcia Thermodynamic-based contributions on modeling and control by Prof. Antonio A. Alonso (Paper 7)

11:00 B. E. Ydstie When Antonio Alonso Came to CMU (Paper 21)

11:20 Discussion Memories of Antonio A. Alonso in the TFMST community

12:00 Break

13:00 M. Pajaro, I. Otero-Muras, and A. A. Alonso First passage times as a measure of hysteresis in stochastic gene regulatory circuits (Paper 16)

13:20 M. A. Vaghy and G. Szederkenyi Lyapunov stability of generalized ribosome flows (Paper 10)

13:40 C. Fernandez, H. Faquir, M. Pajaro, and I. Otero-Muras Feedback control of stochastic gene switches using PIDE models (Paper 17)

14:00 End of Day

18:00 Social Event


Wednesday July 27

9:00 Discussion The TFMST community and other communities studying thermodynamics

9:40 F. Gay-Balmaz and H. Yoshimura Non-isothermal diffusion in interconnected discrete-distributed systems:  A variational approach (Paper 8)

10:00 M. Lohmayer and S. Leyendecker Exergetic Port-Hamiltoian Systems:  Navier—Stokes—Fourier Fluid (Paper 13)

10:20 H. Yoshimura and F. Gay-Balmaz Hamiltonian variational formulation for nonequilibrium thermodynamics of simple closed systems (Paper 9)

10:40 A. Feher and R. Kovacs Analytical evaluation of non-Fourier heat pulse experiments on room temperature (Paper 3)

11:00 H. Struchtrup Moment Methods in Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics

12:00 Break

13:00 M. Yaghi, F. Couenne, A. Galfre, L. Lefevre, and B. Maschke Port Hamiltonian formulation of the solidification process for a pure substance:  A phase field approach (Paper 5)

13:20 A. Bendimerad-Hohl, G. Haine, D. Matignon, and B. Maschke Structure-preserving discretization of a coupled Allen—Cahn and heat equation system (Paper 11)

13:40 M. A. Zarate-Navarro, S. D. Schiavone-Valdez, J. Xie, and S. Dubljevic Thermodynamic modeling for a class of distributed systems with diffusion (Paper 18)

14:00 End of Workshop


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